Anyways, I know a few have asked me when I was going to blog again and what's been up with me so, yeah, here it is in as brief a form as I can make it:
Going forward into this summer I have traveling that I plan to do. This shall be both based on my artistic work (drawing and selling art, designing a few things) as well as my music (gearing up the promo for my full length album, drawing the cover, etc). I'll be hitting spots in the western US as well as some places a bit further East than my home here in Pittsburgh.
My EP is still out and available for purchase and that helps on a finance tip. I'm still good for drawing things for people and if you bare with me I'll have some art to put up on here which can be purchased. Decided to get am official page up somewhere so that people get that ART is my profession of choice and actually has been for some time now. (I wish I could share the LAST thing I drew. Its rather TIGHT, if i do say so myself.)
Besides all that I'm still working on my secret personal project, while also developing the look of characters for Bryce Swan's "Rex Roy is: Dr. Divinity...BOOKSELLER" OGN. I'm having a blast with that and (cue segue)
I SHALL be returning to doing interviews with people, one of whom shall be the aforementioned author of the graphic novel I'm sketching up.
Besides Bryce Swan, though, here's a few people that I'll be doing some with:
Realistikk. Focusing on her lastest album "Stardust" and the strange decade long friendship we've shared, NOT having seen each other in person before.
SintaxTheTerrific. Taking a look at his rap blogging site, as well as his upcoming release from Illect Recordings, "Prince With a Thousand Enemies."
I've wanted to do some random interviews by normal people I have met so, hopefully I can do a couple of those.
Finally, I've come to not like the overall look of this blog so, I'll be doing a few header illustrations and changing the look of the page this summer.
All in all, it'll be busy BUT, you'll have more (or less) of a reason to check out what this blog has going on.
'till then, however, I'd like to reiterate my call to extend a bit more forgiveness and grace to people in and around our lives AND...for everyone to have a good start to their summer experience.
peace, Peace, PEACE,
- Conduct Lionhardt
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